Types of Addiction Treated
Drug & Alcohol
Food Addiction
Internet & Gaming
Sex & Love Addiction
Work Addiction
Life can become stressful and overwhelming at times. Or maybe you feel down or challenged by what you have been through or continuing to be plagued by. To live like this more often than not can take a toll on you. The desire to feel alive, loved, connected, powerful, or in control can become a driving force in your life, which is sometimes satisfied by certain behaviors or substances.
It can become a problem in your life when these behaviors or substances impede on your ability to function at home, work, school, or other important areas in your daily life. Some times these fixations can lead to negative consequences or may even be dangerous or illegal. It is important to know that wherever you find yourself on this continuum that effective help is out there.
The Feeling State Addiction Protocol (FSAP) has helped people with many different types of addictions eliminate their cravings, obsessive thoughts, and preoccupation and gain freedom and control back over their life. Whether you are just coming to terms with your issue now or have struggled to manage it on your own contact me now to learn how I can help you recover.